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Live Aid Was the Best of What We Late Boomers Could Be

Live Aid was a defining moment for me. Woodstock may have been the cultural touchstone for early boomers. But Live Aid? It was the touchstone for us at the tail end of that generation. I felt connected to people across the globe with a shared love of music to help people I didn't know from a horrible famine. This video still gives me chills. To me, this was the best of us. Not the greed, hate and racism I see in so many people my age and generation. That horrible nature that didn't go away with Trump's loss but must have beem a simmering underbelly of my late boomer generation I didn't see. Maybe because of my optimism that I as a young person, and my musical heroes, could do to help the world. I'm going to watch this and relive that optimism. That we can change the world if we only care enough about others to try. And if you still want to help, think about giving to Doctors Without Borders, or if you are in the Northeast Ohio area, The Greater Cleveland Food Bank. Trying to change the world one little bit at a time.

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